The Astoria Senior Center (ASC) obtained its non-profit status in 1991. When the ASC incorporated, the membership fee was just $1 per year, or $50 for a lifetime membership. We still keep our annual dues very low! However, with costs continuing to rise, the Center relies on donations from the private and public communities. When donating, the following contact information can be used for tax purposes:
Astoria Senior Center
1111 Exchange Street
Astoria, OR 97103
Additionally, the ASC partners with Fred Meyer and its rewards program, which takes a small percentage of the purchases from supporters and donates to the ASC. For linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to the ASC, click here.
Click here for a donation form which you can print out, and either mail or drop off at the ASC.
The Astoria Senior Center recognizes individuals who have taken the special steps necessary to remember the Center in their will or through planned giving methods. If you are interested in discussing such a planned gift to the Senior Center, please contact our Executive Director, Larry Miller, at 503-325-3231. Also, planned gifts to the Senior Center can be made in many forms:
Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Gift Annuities
Insurance Policy Beneficiary
Living Trust
Real Estate or other Property
Retirement Plan (IRA) Beneficiary
Thanks again to all for your ongoing support and generosity!
Food donations for an ASC fundraiser
Copyright © 2018 Astoria Senior Center - All Rights Reserved.